Sound is something that should most definitely be appreciated. Even though I do not feel that sound has just as much importance than an image, I do feel that both are just as equally important. Sound is what provides an image to be so much more. It allows the image to have a greater significance and give more of an emotional feel to whatever is being projected on screen. I remember reading a similar article in Shannon’s 302 Experimental class about sound and the assignments that she gave us to let us have our own new appreciation towards sound. We found out that sound could be interpreted in so many different ways. Many sounds sound completely similar to other subjects that are entirely different. Learning about the way we hear things was rather fascinating. It was also interesting to associate certain sounds that normally would not be put with certain images. If you just take a moment or two to just sit and listen to the sounds that are going on around you, it is incredible realizing all of the sounds you would not normally hear. I remember that Experimental gave me a whole new appreciation for sounds and I paid closer attention to noises ever since then.
Cumming is right in his article about acoustic ecology and how everyone should have a better appreciation for sound. It may allow you to have a better appreciation for the environment that you live in. It could even teach you a thing or two about your own environment. The more you learn to listen, the more fun sound becomes. I absolutely love listening to music. It is one of my obsessions. I personally think it is fun to listen to a song and make a new discovery of a hidden sound that you did not hear in the song the last few times you listened to it. Discovering a new beat or a new word said in the background of a song is kind of a fun game for me. Every once and a while my friends and I make these types of discoveries and when we sing the songs out loud we put a greater emphasis on the words or sounds that other listeners may not hear or pay as close attention to.