Monday, February 28, 2011

Chion and Cummings

Sound is something that should most definitely be appreciated.  Even though I do not feel that sound has just as much importance than an image, I do feel that both are just as equally important.  Sound is what provides an image to be so much more.  It allows the image to have a greater significance and give more of an emotional feel to whatever is being projected on screen.  I remember reading a similar article in Shannon’s 302 Experimental class about sound and the assignments that she gave us to let us have our own new appreciation towards sound.  We found out that sound could be interpreted in so many different ways.  Many sounds sound completely similar to other subjects that are entirely different.  Learning about the way we hear things was rather fascinating.  It was also interesting to associate certain sounds that normally would not be put with certain images.  If you just take a moment or two to just sit and listen to the sounds that are going on around you, it is incredible realizing all of the sounds you would not normally hear.  I remember that Experimental gave me a whole new appreciation for sounds and I paid closer attention to noises ever since then. 
Cumming is right in his article about acoustic ecology and how everyone should have a better appreciation for sound.  It may allow you to have a better appreciation for the environment that you live in.  It could even teach you a thing or two about your own environment.  The more you learn to listen, the more fun sound becomes.  I absolutely love listening to music.  It is one of my obsessions.  I personally think it is fun to listen to a song and make a new discovery of a hidden sound that you did not hear in the song the last few times you listened to it.  Discovering a new beat or a new word said in the background of a song is kind of a fun game for me.  Every once and a while my friends and I make these types of discoveries and when we sing the songs out loud we put a greater emphasis on the words or sounds that other listeners may not hear or pay as close attention to. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well Reading

I’ll start off by saying that I absolutely LOVE animation.  I really wish that my ability to do animation was better because it is a field that I would have loved to get into.  Being a senior, I wish I would have gotten the opportunity to do more animation work.  I took 220, but didn’t really feel like I was able to learn too much. It was a bit disappointing.  I am really excited that we get to play with a little animation in this class. I’m really looking forward to it.  Any type of animation that I can become familiar with would be really nice.  Animation is definitely a field in film that should not be taken lightly.  It is an extremely difficult area of film if one does not know what they are doing.  I feel like this area of film requires a great deal of skill. 
Animation has provided cartoons which are some of the most entertaining and amusing pieces in the world.  I am 21 years old and I still love all kinds of the Disney movies.  My favorite Disney movie is The Lion King.  I have always been curious to how the animators of this film were able to pull off what they did.  Not only was this movie great but the animation was beautiful, especially for the way they were able to capture the emotions of the characters.  I would have loved to have known in more detail how they were able to get such images onto film, and know the way they were able to make such beautiful drawings come to life.  Not only does this go for The Lion King, but for any animated Disney movie that was animated by first being hand drawn.  It takes a lot to make a great film, but one must know a whole lot in order to make a great film that is animated.  It is admirable knowing that people have the motivation and devotion to make such great films that take over a couple of years to make.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Camera-less Filmmaking

Wow. So cameraless filmmaking is very cool.  I am really glad that I am getting the opportunity to mess around with real film and not just the digital stuff.  I absolutely love digital filmmaking but I am really happy that I get to learn about real film too.  I feel like it will make me a better well rounded filmmaker, especially since I am highly interested in cinematography and editing.  I really like the different gadgets and methods that we have gotten to mess with in class so far. I was really happy to learn how to cut and splice film in particular.  That’s a far stretch from using Final Cut Pro.  Oh and I have never gotten to use a film projector before, let alone know how to use one.  It is not as difficult as I thought it might be even though I think that was one of the easier projectors to work with.  I have loved learning all of the different options you can do on film without a camera.  I mean you can create scratched figures, shapes, and more by just razors, hole punchers and thumb tacks.  I always used to think that if you scratched film in any way shape or form you would ruin it and it would be no good. Ha! I was wrong. That is not the case if it is your original intention.  I liked watching the films that had been messed with in one way or another.  It gave the piece a cooler and edgier look which you do not get to see a lot. I have also had a lot of fun writing on the film with markers and just mixing a whole bunch of different colors together.  I think what has fascinated me the most so far has been learning how to put magazine pictures onto a clear strip of film.  I was fascinated by the pictures from the magazines staying on a piece of tape.  It is nice and refreshing to have a class that is completely hands on.  I like how we get to do what we want and explore film in any way that we feel comfortable with since there is no right or wrong.   This week I will get to learn how to process film, and that is something I have wanted to try now for quite a while so I am really excited about that. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Synesthesia and Cymatics

The first thing I think of when I hear the word synesthesia is Harry Smith, the abstract experimental filmmaker.  The use of Synesthesia was a known technique for him to use.   He visually represented any music notes that he heard being played and painted them.  I think it is really cool how concepts such as hearing a certain sound makes one think of a certain color. From personal experience, I know that when I listen to a song, a whole variety of colors fly through my head.  It’s really fun to watch as a kind of kaleidoscope moves through my head.  And since I have an obsession with colors, this is not surprising.  It is interesting how one will associate different colors with different sounds weather those sounds be voices, music, or any type of other sound that is a part of the world today.  I used to love it when I listened to music on an older computer.  When any song would play, a stream of colors would develop and form to the rhythm of any song that was played.  I can’t remember what you had to play the song in, but I want to say it was some type of version of Windows Media Player.  The colors would stream slower if the song’s tempo was slower and would be faster when the rhythm of the song was quicker. 
It is really fascinating about how sound can even be visible by just colors let alone having some type of formed shape.   Knowing that a sound can make a unique shape depending on how loud the sound is is mind blowing.  The shape of a ringing sound expands whenever the frequencies of the sound are higher.  If it is lower the shape of the sound becomes less complex and reduces the size of its shape. It is interesting to know that this type of art is helpful to studying science.   It is amazing to know that this concept of Cymatics is helping scientists study the sound frequencies that dolphins make.  Having this information will better allow them to study a dolphin’s language.  This has been something unique to many human beings for quite a long time.  The ways in which one can study sound is pretty cool.  People are coming up with many ways to associate concepts you would not think could be brought together in real life such as a sound being visible to the human eye.