Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Yes Men

The Yes Men movie was pretty different.  They have a real way with words. I cannot say it was my favorite movie to watch, but I suppose that their intentions were good.  While watching it they even made me angry for how offensive to the people they were being and talking to them like they were more superior to them even though that it was all an act.  I found that this documentary related to our found footage project because of their culture jamming nature.  For our found footage piece I found that this assignment is similar to these guys since we had to find a whole new meaning for what we wanted to portray.   We had to find our own special ways in order to twist words and take them out of context to make either a funny or serious message.  I preferred funny.  What the Yes Men did was pretty interesting and kind of amusing.  I was entertained by watching the people’s faces at what these guys were saying and how they were trying to say it.  I just remember seeing the face of one lady in the crowd whose jaw was left wide open because she was so bewildered by the current discussion.  It is amazing how you can twist words or even concepts around in order to make them mean something totally different.  These guys were able to do that, especially in a pretty offensive way.  I have to say though it is pretty fun taking something out of context and making it mean something totally different.  I liked being able to take certain clips for this project and pair them with others in order for them to sound, just wrong.  Especially since it was taking clips from kid shows and making them sound suggestive or to just point out something that was already pretty suggestive.  I mean, suggestive lines from a kid show, at least being older now is amusing to point out and get people’s attention.
That is what it seemed like the Yes Men were doing. They brought up certain topics in such a unique way that it got people’s attention. It pissed them off and some even had to leave the situation.  I think it could be looked at as kind of creative that 2 guys would have such a way of making people angry just to get their attention and act on the situation.

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Favorite 6x1 Project

            It is safe for me to say that I have loved every single one of the projects assigned in this class.  However, I think that my favorite project that I have done in 6x1 was probably and surprisingly the Bolex Shoot.  I think that this assignment was my favorite was because I learned the most with it and to make it even more special I learned everything on my own and without any help from my classmates.  I learned the most hands on film stuff more in this project than I have ever done in any other one of my film studies classes. And since I want to be a cinematographer I love any chance I get to learn about cameras.  It does not matter which one.  Throughout the blogs I have mentioned that I love every opportunity I get to mess with real film.  It feels more authentic I guess…if that’s what you can call it.  I got to set up the shoot on my own, and I got to have some fun with my group members from my 495 class.  Just that day alone was a lot of fun.  The shooting part itself went a lot better than I thought it would.  I learned how to load the camera by myself and learned how to operate it by myself.  It took me a while but I think I got the hang of it for the most part and would be willing to shoot on one again.  Yes I wanted to throw a fit when I found that the film did not come out the way it was supposed to and the entire project really stressed me out overall, but I feel like I walked away with a lot of good material.  I have always wanted to learn how to process film too.  I was able to do that on my own as well.  Ok maybe I would have liked someone to have been in there with me because I am afraid of the dark.  Yeah the red light was in there but that kind of made it a little scarier and the lights in there almost looked like human figures.  Other than that I am glad that I got the opportunity.  At first, I would have thought that since this project probably stressed me out the most it would be my least favorite but I guess I would rather learn something with some added stress than work on a project that just bored me.